A Guide to Love, God, Prayer, Meditation, & Peace Within You—Right Now

Hearing God's Voice

5-Steps to Hearing God's Voice (Author's Edition)

5 Steps to Hearing God's Voice (Author's Edition)

Learn a simple and effective spiritual practice that can restore your experience to peace and love and provide you with ongoing divine guidance and inspiration in your life. After learning these 5 Steps, you will never struggle again in hearing God's Voice within you!
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Product Description

There is a calling deep within you to experience only Love, Peace, and Truth in your life … to experience your Oneness with everyone and everything ... and to contribute to the world in the highest, most effective, and life-changing ways. This way of life is possible for each of us, and it is possible now.

For the past 10 years, DavidPaul Doyle and his wife, Candace, have taught the
5 Steps to Hearing God's Voice to thousands of people around the world in workshops, telec-classes, and in their audio and video programs, with countless students reporting life-changing results. Because they know how impacting these steps have been in so many peoples lives, they are now making the 5 Steps to Hearing God's Voice available in written form for the very first time so more people can benefit from these teachings.

In the book, you will learn and experience:

  • A simple and effective practice for getting into a loving state of mind and staying there
  • A quick and consistent method to quiet your mind and connect with that Divine Consciousness within you
  • A process for directly experiencing your Oneness with God all through the day
  • How to hear God's Voice within you as a distinct and conversational voice
  • A guaranteed method for knowing whether or not you are receiving divine guidance
  • How to actively speak God's communications and guidance out loud for others in need
  • Advanced instruction and exercises for extending love to your painful emotions, unconscious limiting beliefs, and while in the midst of challenging conversations
  • A step-by-step process for discovering your life's purpose and how to fulfill it
  • Specific exercises to help you transform your sense of personal identity from the small self of the ego to the infinite and eternal Self that you truly are
  • A natural deepening of your relationship with God
  • And much more...

"DavidPaul's book has been a real Godsend for me. I've successfully gotten in touch with that "Voice" within myself. Now I can access that "inner, intuitive voice of wisdom," on a daily basis. He makes it so extremely simple and applicable through the exercises and commentary in the book. The 5 Steps are very simple and do-able. In fact, it seems that the word "simple" really describes the beauty and grace of what he teaches. For me it opened me to my own calling to the path of A Course In Miracles, helping me to really understand and live the workbook lessons via my own inner guidance and connection with Spirit. But, whatever your spiritual path is, this book provides a way to find your own way along it. The greatest thing any teacher can provide are the tools that one can use oneself to live in alignment with one's own inner guide and guidance. I am now free to follow my own true guidance. The teacher, DavidPaul, has facilitated going beyond the need for an "outer" teacher. What a great gift!" Norman E. Babbitt, Portland, OR

A Universal Spiritual Practice

The 5 Steps to Hearing God's Voice is a comprehensive, holistic, and fully restorative spiritual practice that you can use to restore yourself to a direct experience of Love, Peace, Understanding, Compassion, and all of the other divine qualities of your True Self.

Because this healing process is rooted in connecting with the Infinite Source of all Love, Wisdom, and Truth within you, it is universally applicable. It can be used and applied in all areas of your life, including your relationships, your parenting, your marriage, your job or career, your health and well-being, your financial stability, and in every area of your life. There is no area where God's unconditionally loving guidance and healing cannot penetrate and transform your experience.

Giving You the Support You Need

To support you in integrating the 5 Steps to Hearing God's Voice into your daily life, immediately upon purchasing the book you will be given access to our private online support forum. There you will be able to personally connect with DavidPaul and Candace Doyle, the Voice for Love Staff, and all of the other like-minded people around the world who have purchased the 5 Steps to Hearing God's Voice and are learning how to hear God's Voice along with you. In the forum, you can ask questions, share your experiences, respond to other people's questions, and connect with the large and growing worldwide community of people who are integrating these life-changing steps into their lives.

The Calling of Your Heart

It is time to answer the call within you and give yourself the gift of living in full divine guidance and awareness. The 5 Steps to Hearing God's Voice is guaranteed to change your Reality.

Read what ordinary people just like you are saying ...

"Never have I found such a detailed book on hearing God's Voice, which is an easy step by step process and effective. It is a must read for anyone who is willing and ready to open up to hearing the Divine. Thank you DavidPaul for such a valuable contribution to humanity." Shaldena El Morya, British Columbia, Canada

"DavidPaul Doyle's "5 Steps to Hearing God's Voice" has become one of the most important books in my spiritual library. Step One is so profound (and simple to do), and its effects in one's life are almost mind-blowing. Actually, mind clearing and thought silencing! This step in itself will bring you closer to your True Self, and after using it on an ongoing basis during the day, will create huge shifts in consciousness.

After getting through all five of the steps, I found myself with clear, undeniable communication with God/Source, my Greater Self, like I hadn't been able to achieve in almost 20 years of working on this goal!

If this is also your goal, you must have this book! And work with it systematically step by step, not jumping ahead. The concepts in this book also pair nicely with A Course in Miracles, which I have enjoyed but found somewhat cumbersome, for over 25 years. This material is clearly and truly downloaded from Spirit, and so well worth many times its price." Jude Correll, Eagle River, AK

"This book is a "must have" for anyone who is serious about their desire to learn how to listen to God's Voice in a very personal and practical way. We are all familiar with praying to God, but very few of us know how to listen to God's replies to our questions. DavidPaul and Candace have dedicated their lives and ministry to helping people learn to listen to that "Voice within" that connects them directly to God. The Holy Spirit has given them the information in this book, in a clear, simple process that anyone can learn just by applying and practicing the steps outlined in this book. I have been using and practicing this process for several years now, and it is the very core of my spiritual practice. Thank you so much DavidPaul and Candace for making this available." George Maddox, Flossmoor, IL

"In just the first two chapters alone, I have begun to feel the presence of Holy Spirit in my life every day. I know that all I need to do is ask, and Holy Spirit is always present with the answer that is best for me. No more guessing, no more questioning my decisions. When I seek Holy Spirit for the answer, I KNOW all is well and an incredible feeling of peace and tranquility abounds. Thank you DavidPaul Doyle for teaching us how to access our Source for answers to any question we have. Allowing us to move forward in confidence and peace." Toni DiVittorio, Fremont, CA

"I truly enjoyed reading DavidPaul Doyle's book "5 Steps to Hearing God's Voice." I have tried for many years to hear God's voice within me but could not make the connection to the Divine. I have purchased numerous tapes and spent many hours of meditation trying to hear God. However, it was only after reading DavidPaul's book that I finally made the connection between my own voice and the voice of God within me. He makes it easy and simple to hear God's voice with questions and exercises that really work. I recommend the "5 Steps to Hearing God's Voice" to anyone who wishes a deeper relationship & spiritual connection with God." RuthAnn, Crofton, MD

"This book is such a beautiful guiding pearl for anyone truly looking to hear The Voice for Love and live the Love that they are. What I love about it, is that it is really simple & practical, helping you to actually get in touch experientially with that 'small still voice within' that births clear guidance, comfort, inspiration, healing and awakening. DavidPaul writes in a heart-felt, clear way speaking so authentically from his own experience; this in itself is uplifting and will open up doors within you & activate the remembrance of the Truth for you. This book is a beautiful Mighty Companion on your path!" Ilja Jutte, NSW, Australia

"This book is an absolute treasure. DavidPaul's method for learning to hear God's Voice is so simple, but also very powerful, moving and effective. I can now easily connect with God's Presence and seek and receive guidance on a daily basis. Since reading and practicing this book, I come from a place of gratitude, peace and love. I can honestly say that my life has been transformed for the better, and I am so grateful to DavidPaul for being inspired to write this beautiful & helpful book." Susan T, Barrington, IL

"DavidPaul's genuine love and compassion drew me to this book. It is lovingly written with exercises to achieve inner peace by learning to connect with Divine Consciousness. To realize unconditional love of God and develop a relationship with inner dialogue is valuable in daily living. The spiritual practice is healing, and it is a blessing to be able to share with others and expand the community. I am grateful to have this book to guide me." Carrie Ferguson, Iowa City, IA

"The information & opportunity provided through the practice of extending love is not measurable and has certainly been life changing for me. Life has taken on a different quality, a different color that serves to soften the harshness at times and allows what is, to be just what it is. Every moment becomes an opportunity to listen to my Self or the ego. 5-Steps to Hearing God's Voice is a gift from the Holy Spirit." Luke Garvey, Clarkesville, GA

"5 Steps to Hearing God's Voice is a practical approach to developing a closer relationship to the voice inside you--you know the voice you have listened to all your life; especially when you were very young. Most of us have forgotten how special this voice really was. This book will help you remember and perhaps to begin to search for the Voice we trusted and enjoyed so much as a child. The 5 Steps are laid out simply. They invite you to re-establish a relationship with a best friend; a comforter; a guide--someone who always listens with your best interests at heart. Even if you're skeptical isn't it a delightful thought to make contact with someone always present; and always helpful in guiding you home?" Lou Ganske, Alberta, Canada

"The message in this book absolutely changes lives for the better in every aspect. It is an empowering message given in a gentle, loving way. I recommend this book to anyone who has been on a life long search for themselves (as I was). The changes start immediately and continue. It provides a very simple 5 step process that puts everything you have searched for into an easy to learn and apply daily practice. Life will change for the better, continuing daily for the rest of your days from reading this book. I am so thankful that I stumbled upon it." Mary Catenacci, Sterling Hgts, MI

"In a world with so much hype, I have found that there are still some people you can believe in what they are saying. DavidPaul in Candace Doyle are two of those people. They offer a strong group of supportive people in which I find to be one of life's blessings. More than anything, they are not just after your money … genuine care and all Truth in what they are teach. At some time in your life, you will turn to someone for help. They offer love and light to take you out of the darkness. They are truly a special blessing." Jon Williams, Warren, OH

"You really hit the nail on the head with this concise, focused procedural book to complement all the other features in The Voice for Love book. The 5-Steps to Hearing God's Voice book is clearly the answer to the ego which says, "I'm too busy to look for Spirit—I don't want a book that's really big and complex! Thank you." Larry Arnett, Chicago, IL

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"Thank You! I am really overwhelmed by your How to Hear the Voice of God course! THIS is what I have been waiting for, and I'm only on Lesson 11! I now have the Inner Peace I’ve been seeking for the past 51 years!"
- Jan Westerhof, Holland