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God Stories

When God Spoke to Me

When God Spoke To Me: 70 Inspiring Stories of Hearing God's Voice + Study Guide

Is it possible you were born with the ability to hear God's Voice in the midst of every difficulty you face—to receive His guidance, understanding, and direction in every area of your life?

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Product Description

Never before has a book been written that openly shares the true life-changing accounts of ordinary people who have heard God's Voice. When God Spoke to Me: The Inspiring Stories Of Ordinary People Who Have Received Divine Guidance and Wisdom shares seventy poignant stories written by men and women from around the world whose lives have changed in profound and unexpected ways as a result of hearing God's Voice.

DavidPaul Doyle gathered these stories together to show the world that God speaks to all of us—in countless different ways—and that we all possess an intimate and often untapped connection with God, regardless of our personal struggles, our backgrounds or our faith.

As you'll read below, these personal accounts are filled with such raw and captivating authenticity and emotion that they truly transcend religious and spiritual boundaries. This is the most soul-stirring collection of true stories ever assembled describing the actual experience of hearing God's Voice.

Hear what others have said about this book:

"This book is delightful because it confirms that all of us can speak with the Divine. In these stories we hear regular people and how their lives shift because of their connection to God. It is very inspiring!" Mariel Hemingway, Actress, Author of Mariel's Kitchen

“This inspiring book is a rich storehouse of stories of people who—in the midst of addiction, grief, anger, rebellion, loneliness, and many other situations that afflict us all—have heard the voice of a God who can restore and renew. These testimonies are the best evidence we can hope for that the Ancient of Days is still transforming lives in the 21st century!" Richard J. Mouw, President and Professor of Christian Philosophy, Fuller Theological Seminary

"These remarkable stories remind us that there is an unseen loving presence watching over each and every one of us. These real-life accounts will deepen your faith, open your heart and expand your mind." Arielle Ford, author of The Soulmate Secret

When God Spoke to Me by DavidPaul Doyle

"I loved When God Spoke to Me! I've now added it to my library of resources for developing sermons. These fantastic stories are powerful illustrations of the Truth principles of love, compassion, and forgiveness that I teach." Rev. Lane Williams, Unity Church of Vermont

"Each and every story included in this book speaks to me, and of my experience. When we hear what we believe to be the voice of the God of our understanding, our hearts are forever changed. Your heart will never be the same after you read these stories, told by those who've heard and understood what a loving and merciful God has spoken directly to them." Lama K. T. ("Thubten") Shedrup Gyatso, Portland, Oregon

"It seems that God does not check on either one's green card, photo ID or denominational membership before He speaks! Nothing seems cooked up or even unlikely about these testimonies from a range of people. As for the rest of us: are we really listening?" Harvey Cox, Harvard Professor of Divinity, Author of The Future of Faith

As revealed in When God Spoke to Me, the experience of hearing God’s voice has the power to:

  • Heal your emotional wounds and physical ailments
  • Mend your relationships
  • Provide life-altering guidance and direction when you need it most
  • Instill within you a profound experience of peace, love, and awareness of your union with God.

"This book reeks of hope. These raw stories of genuine people and their encounters with God have a compelling way to help us remember hope, restoration, and goodness. It gives us living, breathing examples of how God scoops us up when all is lost." Pastor Daniel McIntosh, Believer's Church, Tulsa, Oklahoma

What You'll Gain

Not only will these heartwarming accounts instill within you a profound experience of peace, love, and awareness of your union with God, these diverse experiences of hearing God’s Voice are like pieces of a puzzle. When these pieces come together, they interlock to paint a very clear picture of the dynamics behind our human capability for hearing God’s Voice.

From these touching first-person accounts you will discover:

  • The different qualities of heart and mind that bring about hearing God's Voice
  • The dramatic effects that hearing God’s Voice can have in your life
  • Unique ways of experiencing this still small voice within yourself
  • How to recognize the ways you may already hear God's Voice without knowing it
  • How to receive guidance, healing, and communication from God in new and life-changing ways

In the book's conclusion, the most essential key traits that bind all of these experiences together are discussed—traits that may help you to start hearing God’s Voice more fully and consistently in your own life.

"I have been reading your book daily and I can't put it down. It has enlivened my life and touched my soul. I find my self in almost every story. I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to understand the many ways God speaks to us." Ken D. Foster, Author - Ask and You Will Succeed.

"You’ll weep as you read contributors’ experiences with cancer, paralysis, drug addiction, depression, the 9/11 tragedy, and the deaths of loved ones… and you’ll rejoice as they describe the contentment, love, freedom and faith that touched their hearts… " Loree Lough, best-selling Christian author of 80 award-winning books

"Is God silent? Does He still speak? Thankfully DavidPaul has sought the answers. The resulting stories of those who have listened to God’s voice and obeyed are profoundly moving—even for a skeptic like me." Phil Callaway, author and speaker

If you want a cant-put-it-down, page turning roller coaster ride of inspiration and love that will touch your heart deeply, jump on When God Spoke to Me and buckle up. Your life will never be the same again.

About The Included PDF Study Guide (330 pages)

Study GuideThe stories included in When God Spoke to Me are inspiring, heart warming, and profoundly moving. Many will move you to tears. Others will force you to pause, contemplate, and recount important moments in your life. When you purchase the book on this webpage, you will also receive a 330 page PDF workbook to support you in getting as much as you can out of these stories.

When you read one of the 70 stories in the book for the first time, it's recommended that you read through the entire story without stopping so you can fully enjoy it without dissecting it, analyzing it, or contemplating your own similar experiences. Once you've read the story in its entirety, use the included workbook to deepen your experience, insight, and understanding of hearing God's voice in the story by filling out the worksheets and reading the commentary for each story.

Below is a brief description of items included on each story's worksheet.

Description: Write a brief one or two sentence description of the story so you can easily jog your memory about it in the future.

Inner Struggle: Describe the inner experience of the person in the story just prior to hearing God's voice. What were they thinking or believing? What were they feeling or experiencing? This will help you to identify the "before" and "after" experience of hearing God's Voice.

Miracle Mindedness: Contemplate and describe the qualities of heart and mind present in the individual that brought about their experience of hearing God's voice in that exact moment. What were they thinking, believing, feeling, intending, or doing the moment they heard God's voice which opened them up to having that experience?

Moment of Hearing: What moment in the story did they experience "hearing God's voice," or what was happening in the story the moment they "heard God's voice?"

Form of Hearing: What form or expression did God's voice take in that moment? How was God's voice perceived in that moment?

Result/Benefit: What was the immediate result, outcome, or benefit the person received in hearing God's voice? Were there any long-term benefits the person received from having this experience? If so, what were they?

Message/Lesson: What reminder, lesson, or message do you personally take away from this story?

Notes: Write down any additional notes, ideas, or reminders that come to mind as you contemplate this story.

DavidPaul's Commentary: Before DavidPaul Doyle, the author and creator of When God Spoke to Me, ever thought about creating a workbook for it, he went through every story in the book himself and wrote down his own thoughts and insights on each of the items above. He never thought he would share his notes and comments with anyone else. He simply did it for his own benefit. As he started putting all his worksheets together, he envisioned the possibility of making this workbook available to individuals who may be studying the book on their own without the benefit of enjoying other people's insight, ideas, or experiences as part of a group. As a result, he decided to include his own personal notes in this workbook so others could benefit from his many years of hearing God's Voice himself and teaching others how to do the same. It is recommended that you fill out the worksheets on your own prior to reading DavidPaul's commentary. There is tremendous benefit to thinking about these stories on your own before soliciting other people's opinions and experiences.

What Others Are Saying

“Readers will hear a united shout of hope in DavidPaul Doyle’s riveting collection of stories, When God Spoke to Me. On difficult days, the tales in this book remind us to have courage. In sad moments, the stories bring the promise of joy. And on ordinary days, the stories encourage us to pay attention and listen to the voice of God in our own lives. Doyle has given us a great gift in this book—the opportunity to hear God speak and act in the lives of real people.” Rev. Rochelle Y. Melander, author of A Generous Presence: Spiritual Leadership and the Art of Coaching

“In When God Spoke to Me, DavidPaul Doyle reveals intimate stories of God speaking to ordinary people every day. And through these inspiring examples and accounts, readers learn that when we listen to God and follow His voice, we experience more than an ordinary existence; we begin to take hold of the extraordinary life God wants for us every day.” Ed Young, Senior Pastor, Fellowship Church, author of Outrageous, Contagious Joy

"DavidPaul Doyle has done it! Whether you consider yourself spiritual, religious, or just a believer, these deeply profound stories will open your heart and expand your mind to experience the powerful and loving presence that transcends labels and ideologies." Max Simon, leader at aligning consciousness & business

“This book is Richard Dawkins and other atheists worst nightmare! It is an extraordinary confirmation that God exists and is intimately active in our hearts and minds, guiding our lives in deeply personal yet practical ways. These amazing stories will put you in the fast lane of human evolution. Fasten your seatbelt for an exhilarating and inspiring ride." John Maxwell Taylor, Author of The Power of I AM

"This book has perfect timing. Never before has the world been more ready and open to receive the message that When God Spoke To Me brings. If you would like to learn how to open to divine guidance and healing, this is the book for you. Pick up two copies; one for you, and one for someone you really care about." Keith Leon, author of Who Do You Think You Are? Discover The Purpose Of Your Life

"These inspiring stories remind us again that what God sends is better than what we ask for." Dr. Neil T. Anderson, Founder and President Emeritus of Freedom in Christ Ministries

“Powerful and inspirational with a message for everyone during these difficult times, when an expression of faith is needed.” Stu Taylor, Nationally Syndicated Radio Talk Show Host

“DavidPaul Doyle’s When God Spoke to Me is an inspirational, heart-warming, and uplifting collection of stories that demonstrate how God’s guidance is always there for us to heal and support our lives.” Dr. Joe Rubino Founder, CenterForPersonalReinvention.com
“As I read the poignant, moving testimonials in this book, I felt that God was speaking to me through them.” Houston Smith, author of The World’s Religions

“This book confirms what we know in our hearts to be true: God DOES speak to us! And in numerous ways! We only need to listen. Each story shares a profoundly moving authentic experience.” Sheryl Roush, Author of the Heart Book Series

“I enjoyed When God Spoke to Me immensely.  This is a book that touches the heart with stories from people in all walks of life who heard the Voice for God within and allowed themselves permission to be transformed. It helps inspire people to listen for God's Help and accept it.” David Hoffmeister, Author of Awakening through A Course In Miracles

"I’ve always loved stories about miracles. And I really do believe God is capable of doing above and beyond what we can imagine. The stories in When God Spoke to Me are no exception. Both moving and inspirational, I challenge you to “just read one” and see if you don’t feel a genuine rush of joy. What a great reminder that God is good and gracious and kind!" Melody Carlson, author of more than 150 books for women, teens and children.

"How many times have you ignored a thought, feeling, or the quiet voice and wished later that you had listened? DavidPaul Doyle’s inspiring book, When God Spoke to Me, provides insight into the mystery of the Father-God who loves unconditionally. As you read the real-life stories of ordinary people who heard the Voice of God, your hope will be renewed. You will learn that God is ever present and desires to interact with you on a personal level, giving divine guidance, courage, assurance, love, mercy and grace to those who take the time to listen with obedient hearts and minds." Germaine Copeland, Founder of Word Ministries, Inc. and author of the Prayers That Avail Much book series

"I sat down to read for a few minutes. Two hours later, my soul was nourished and my heart touched and filled with the power and warmth of the wonderful spiritual stories in this book. Living on spiritual guidance since childhood, I related deeply to every story and was eager to read the next one! DavidPaul Doyle has created a book of grace and soul—When God Spoke to Me is a must for you, family and friends, for healing, and for deep peace and joy." Dr. Linne Bourget M.A., M.B.A., Ph.D., Author, What You Say Is What You Get

"Dear DavidPaul, I want to tell you that i have started reading your book, When God Spoke to Me. I find it quite uplifting and encouraging to read each day. Thank you for making these stories available. I believe it makes me more aware of how God is speaking to me in my own life. Kindest regards," Inger Madsen Denmark

"Just finished reading When God Spoke to Me! What amazing and inspiring accounts of how God touched the lives of so many people in their desperate hour of need. It has reminded me of times when God was guiding me without me knowing it - very moving! He is a merciful loving God. I enjoyed reading "about the author" himself too! Thank you so much for this inspiring book." Anita Richards, United Kingdom

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"Thank You! I am really overwhelmed by your How to Hear the Voice of God course! THIS is what I have been waiting for, and I'm only on Lesson 11! I now have the Inner Peace I’ve been seeking for the past 51 years!"
- Jan Westerhof, Holland
"I personally found your instructions on how to quiet the mind chatter and get in touch with the Voice of the Holy Spirit to be the most helpful and transformative I’ve ever been given."
- Rev. Georgie Richardson, Unity Church of Salem, OR
"This 30-Day Course on hearing God's voice will change your life. The act of DOING these exercises, rather than listening to them, really brings the experience home. The Presence of God is now with me at all times, and I can call on this Voice throughout my day!"
- Donna Slawsky, New York
"This 30-Day Course has been one of the greatest blessings I've ever received in my life. Hearing God's Voice and living with Him in my mind has changed my way of seeing everyone and everything. Don't let this get away from you. "
- Chuck Okerstrom, Florida
"Your fabulous exercise on extending Love is the most profound thing I have ever heard! I am pure happiness and joy. I am 59 years old and I feel like a newborn baby!"
- Jacques Lepeigneux, France
"Wow! Quite Powerful! Transforming. I cried so slob-beringly. Thank You!"
- Stacie Bulton
"It's just wonderful. I'm only on Day 9, and it has already changed my life!"
- Jason Reagan
" I want you to know how much these lessons mean to me. I just ask what to do about a problem, and the answer is there. It's almost like someone is living in me! Love is the most powerful tool, and you are helping people find that!"
- Rose Gagnon
"Your 3 Keys to hearing God's Voice on Days 16 and 17 were soooooooo wowing! Now I am fully aware and can use this connection consciously."
- Denny Postings, United Kingdom
"You cannot imagine what your 30-Day Course means to me. Today is Good Friday and for the first time I heard God speak while meditating in church. I am deeply grateful."
- Irene Freda, Dumont, NJ
"I'm a 64 year old woman. When I did the exercise yesterday of extending love I ended up feeling giddy. People will now have to forgive me for smiling and laughing so much. I deeply appreciate you, your book, your website, and the Voice for God 30 Day Program. Thank you!"
- Joanne Willson, ID
"It is Day 19 on your 30-Day Course.I feel a Peace inside me I have not felt in quite some time. I just feel all this incredible Love inside me and all I want to do is extend it outward. I feel like exploding because I can't get the words out fast enough. Thank you so much!"
- Marc Grecco, NY
"My wife and I just finished your How to Hear God's Voice 30-Day Course. We are telling our friends about it. We're both starting to get results from having our own conversations. Marisa is getting profound answers from her questions. This is amazing stuff! Thank you!"
- Randie Rabideau, Canada
"I bought your 30-Day Course on how to hear God's Voice, and ate it up! I have been doing Holy Spirit journal work ever since. When I re-read what Holy Spirit has written, I am always amazed. Thank you for your amazingly simple technique!"
- Philip Metzler, Washington
" Your How to Hear the Voice of God 30-Day Course has been so very enlightening. I am practicing my conversations with God and the results have been eye opening to say the least. Thank you!"
- Carlos Ochoa, Ponder, TX
"I loved your program! Now I can hear an answer when I ask God a question. I can focus more and I get to that quiet place in my mind. Thanks you!"
- Ruthann Schmudde, IL
"I want you to know that I've read your books and followed the 30 day program. WHEN I ask, I get the most incredible messages, some of which would blow my socks off! I feel like I'm living in a 'happy dream.'"
- Lainie, Afton, OK
"The very first exercise I did to hear this Voice—BAM! It was there! I now know that in my darkest times I am able to connect with this Voice and see things differently. Thank you from the bottom of my heart."
- Robyne Harrington, WA
"This has been an amazing process! In just a few short hours, I've learned how to go within and hear the Voice of God within me. I now know that with the tools I've learned I can become quiet and "tune-in" to hearing God's Voice very quickly. Thank you!"
- Suzanne Baker, Fort Collins, CO
"I still haven't finished all 30 days, but I've had great results already. I am now able to connect with the Holy Spirit quite easily. Many thanks for the invaluable help that your book and CD's have been to me!"
- Colin Corkill, New Zealand