The Voice for Love Embodiment and Certification Program

Module 3 Class 5 - Embracing Desire

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Class Handout and Homework Assignment

Class Agenda

Click here to download the class agenda.

Homework Assignment

1) Attend class or listen to the class record. Did you do this?

2) Practice Steps 1-5 at least 15 minutes five days this week. Make sure you do Step 5 thoroughly. Did you do this?

3) Spend time embracing your desires fully and completely, just like emotional healing, and see what happens when you do. Did you do this?

4) Schedule and conduct a private session. Fill out your session#.doc after the session and submit your session#feedback.doc to your client. Did you do this?

5) Submit your homework to Jim Abbott. Submit your sessions to George Maddox. cc DavidPaul, Candace, and your mentor. Did you do this?

Click here to download Module 3 Class 5 Homework.doc.


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